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Music Passion

The music is not in the notes but in the silence between~ Mozart

Music inspires, stimulates emotions, and increases creativity. It ensures that the brain, which is the main element of effective learning, and the right and left hemispheres work in balance. Music reduces stress and relaxes. But how is it?

When we start listening to music, almost all parts of our brain are affected. First of all, music reaches the auditory cortex and digests its most basic elements. The auditory cortex works with the cerebellum to the flow of musical information. The cerebellum connects to the amygdala (the emotional center of the brain) and frontal lobe.

While listening to music, the nucleus accumbency, the pleasure center in the brain, moves and releases the neurochemical dopamine that makes us feel good. This chemical is released when we eat something we love so much. Besides, endorphins are also released in the brain while listening to music. As it is known, endorphin secretion increases when you are in pain or under stress, and endorphin works like a natural pain reliever.

Music provides the release of endorphins and triggers positive emotional reactions. As a result of the researches, music helps alleviate depression and reduces chronic pain. Music therapy is using in the treatment of neurological diseases. With this therapy, certain brain parts are stimulated, stimulating brain metabolism and accelerating blood flow. It has also been observed in studies that listening to music helps to vivify memories; Therefore, music therapy applies to Alzheimer's patients.

Choose music that suits your mood while listening. The content of the music you listen to emotions such as anger, aggression, sadness, and fear, the rhythm of the sound, the lyrics of the song reveal. It activates the pulse rate and neuronal networks of your listening.

Music is the soundtrack of your life😉💛


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