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Has given me the essential gift of life is the love of children.

As usual, I walked into the park. There was a kindergarten nearby, and often the tutors took the children there. The children were playing football. The little one sitting alone on the bench stand out to me:

-Can I sit next to you?

-Here, why don't you play?

"I'm taking pictures, isn't it nice?" He held out his small hands to me.

-It's beautiful. Why did you draw people's eyes in the form of flowers?

"I don't know, it's better," he smiled.

"I can't draw. Could you teach me? I love pictures,- I said, waiting for the boy's reaction.

-I love to draw. If you want I can show you my drawings- The boy's black eyes sparkled

-Of course, I would like that.

-Will you come again tomorrow? I have no on me now.

-I come here every day, be sure to bring it tomorrow.

….. I felt out of the way all evils in the verdurous. And a smile appeared on my face, sitting on a little boy bench waiting for me.

He looked at his pictures and waited for me to say something. I praised him off and on I asked him questions. He drew the eyes of most people in the form of flowers or depicted nature. But there was a strangeness. In most of the drawings, he described the night. --Why aren't their stars here? 

He looked at me and smiled:

-There are no stars in the morning.

I started laughing too:

-Why didn't you draw the sun?

  -I don't know, I forgot.

Psychology has always struck me. In the new book, I came across information about child psychology. "There may be children who draw the eyes differently in the picture to yearn for protection and guarding. The sun represents your father in the drawings. For example, a sun with a big and bright is a sign that the child loves his father very much."

I became interested in it, talked to a friend who studied psychology:

-It's a beautiful thing to draw eyes in the shape of a flower, it's a sign that he wants to see the world beautiful, and if the sun doesn't appear in all the pictures, as you said, there's a reason. If not, the child may forget,5-6 years child can not be Picasso.

-Let's talk a little about ourselves. My mother is a manager, and my father is a businessman. What about you?

-My mother is a teacher for pupils, but I have everything, and my father died when I was a baby.-he cried softly

I was struck dumb. I took his hand and said:

-Let me help you complete the drawings, and you would have taught me.

- Really? How that's?

-Let's draw the sun together, big and bright.

-You are my best friend, -he said and kissed me and hugged me tightly.

Some called me impenetrable, and I described the "Sun" to the one who valued it.



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